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Notification Routings

  1. jgroob

    How do I change the width of the input fields on the Notifications page?

    I have a complex routing form with long (i.e. 35+ characters) email addresses and simiarly long value choices and they get visibly truncated on the dashboard which makes it difficult to see and validate that I have made proper entries. For example: the choice "Exit 7 I-65 Sellersburg (Indian Oaks Pointe)" gets routed to email "" the full body of which gets hidden.

    I found the CSS for the box in the admin css to increase the box width, but not to expand the number of characters.

    Even better, in a future release expanding the width and number of characters for these routing input/select fields would be really helpful.


    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday February 22, 2012 | Permalink