In my first Gravity Form, I have a drop down list of 240 departments and department codes for my university. I did a "bulk add" to get the name|value pairs in there, and I checked "Enable enhanced user interface." When I previewed my form, I noticed that typing letters in the search field for the drop down returned items from the list, but numbers did not.
For example, some of the departmental listings I added look like the following:
Business Operations, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (384)
Butler College (530)
Capital Giving, Office of Development (874)
Center for African American Studies (108)
Center for Economic Policy Studies (355)
Center for Information Technology Policy (332)
And a user might not be sure how their department is listed, but do know their 3-digit number and may try to type that number in the field. However, typing "108" does not return any results. Is there a reason why that search field only filters letters?