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Odd behavior with form on submit in Chrome, Firefox and IE8

  1. I have a form located at that has an issue in Chrome, if you complete the form but leave the website field as is and try to submit it does nothing and the cursor is placed within the website field like it is asking to have it completed (that field is not required)

    When I attempt the same process using Firefox the form seems to send off just fine, resulting in the success message after clicking submit but I get the message notification twice by email and the entry shows up twice in the admin area.

    When completing the form using IE8 the results are identical to what I get when using Firefox.

    Any guidance on this would be appreciated :)

    thanks in advance,


    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday July 10, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Hey Jesse,

    I recreated your form and was able to reproduce the issue just as you so careful described.

    It looks like this is a quirk with the HMTL5 "url" field type where Chrome is expecting either a full URL or an empty value in the field. Having just the "http://" pre-populated is making it angry. As you mentioned, a couple of other browsers aren't super fond of it either.

    We'll have to work out a solution probably do some client side check or something to make it play nicely and still force the correct formatting.

    We're wrapping up the beta and will have the new release out the first of next week which will make the 1. HTML5 fields optional and 2. get some kind of solution in for this issue.

    In the interim, you may want to change that field from a website field, to a simple text field and pre-populate the input with the "http://" That will get the form working again.

    We'l have a fix out as quickly as we can for it.

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday July 10, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Thanks for taking a look, I appreciate it. I have done as you instructed and used a regular text field to replace the website one which fixes the jumping around in chrome but the notification is still sent to me twice. Any thoughts on that?

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday July 10, 2010 | Permalink
  4. hmm. Not sure offhand. I'll do some testing and see what I can figure out then let you know.

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday July 10, 2010 | Permalink
  5. Jesse,

    I'm having trouble recreating the double submit issue on my side. I spoke with Alex about this and he says it may be a plugin conflict. He's encountered a couple of instances where a plugin would cause the form to send twice.

    You might disabling your other plugins, then turning them back on one by one, submitting a form between each step and see if the issue re-appears after activating one of them. Let us know what you find out.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday July 12, 2010 | Permalink
  6. I have a form located at that has a similar issue using Firefox the form sends ok, but the message shows up twice in the admin area. I have a number of forms across the site and this is the only one with the duplicate message issue. I created a new form and the issue still occurs. With regard to it being a plugin conflict, all the plugins are up to date and long standing this issue only occurs on one form out of five across the site.

    When completing the form using IE8 the results are identical.

    Any help would be appreciated



    Posted 14 years ago on Monday July 12, 2010 | Permalink
  7. Hi Kevin,

    Figured I would reply here instead of the other posts on this :)

    I disabled every plugin on my site and it still happened (2 entries and emails sent)

    I will dig through my functions.php file and see if anything in there makes a difference and post back here.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday July 26, 2010 | Permalink
  8. @doggodays Do you have any custom code added to that form using any of our API hooks and your theme function file? You may want to test for theme conflicts by activating the default WordPress theme (2010 in 3.0 and Kubrick in 2.9) and see if the issue still occurs.

    If the issue still occurs we can take a look but we would need a WordPress admin login to the site having the issue and we'd need to know which form is having the issue. You can send this info to us via our Contact Us form and reference this forum post.

    @Jesse easiest way to test theme conflict would be to temporarily activate the 2010 theme if running 3.0 (Kubrick if not) and then test Gravity Forms. If the issue still persists we can take a closer look but it would require a WordPress admin login to this site. You can send this to us via our Contact Us form and reference this forum post.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday July 26, 2010 | Permalink
  9. Yeah, I tested it last night with 2010 and the issue wasn't present sooo, now I need to figure out just what in my theme could be causing the issue.. I have a lot of custom functions in there as well as all kinds of things like fbml and other social network integration so this should be fun lol... will post what I find here (provided that I can) lol

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday July 26, 2010 | Permalink
  10. Alright, I finally had time this morning to sift through my theme and see what the problem was.

    For anyone else having weird issues I suggest the following steps, which are what I used to narrow down where the problem was, testing after each step.

    1. turn off all plugins (except GF obviously)
    2. open your page.php file for your theme and remove the <?php get_footer(); ?> line
    3. remove the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> line
    4. remove the <?php get_header(); ?> line (this is when my forms started working correctly)

    If steps 2-4 don't result in your forms working as expected (yes, the page will be broken and ugly) you will need to dig further, but in my case this showed me i had something in my header.php file that was causing the troubles resulting in multiple submissions.

    I went to my header.php file and looked it over line by line, removing calls to various scripts like openx, fbml etc etc but nothing changed. I then proceeded to check various additions to the file I had made, it ended up being a addon I made that pulls the first 160 characters from a post and uses it for the meta description tag and my featured post slider. Once I removed that everything worked as should, even the recaptcha that was not working before.

    I'm guessing that somehow the fact that it was trying to pull the first 160 characters from a page that didn't have anything on it other than the form was grabbing something it shouldn't have, either way I am all sorted and happy to say I can move on to other things lol.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday July 27, 2010 | Permalink
  11. Nice Jesse, glad you got it figured out. WordPress is great but sometimes it is frustrating when little minor things cause conflicts and issues with plugins and themes.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday July 27, 2010 | Permalink