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Offer A Quantity Multiplier?

  1. Sorry, I don't know how to describe this to well. lol

    I have a customer that is wondering if there is a way I can add an option for them to multiply their quantities right on the form.
    ie: They choose an option from the checkbox, the price comes up at $7.00 the quantity field is there and they want 78, but they also want another 8 sets of 78 and don't want to do the math on a calculator. So 78 is one set and they want to multiply that by 8 and get the total cost.. (Quantity x Sets x Price = Total)


    Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 8, 2013 | Permalink
  2. You can use a number field or a product field and set it to the type "calculation", and enter your calculation there, which would be the price field times the quantity field time the number of sets field.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday March 12, 2013 | Permalink