Hello, I have searched for a long time to find the answer to this. Essentially, I want to be able to output a conditional field into the content template. I know this is possible, but I need a prefix that will not show when the field is not used.
let me explain the exact scenario.
It is a site for listing real estate properties and one field asks the user if they are the homeowner or an agent. If they are an agent, we need their licensing number, which is obtained in the following field. The licensing number needs to be displayed on the post, but I would like to format it so that it can look like this:
Agent PRC License Number: 123456789
However, I can only seem to be able to output the field into the content template. I do not want to add "Agent PRC License Number:" in front of the field because if the user is a homeowner, then it would display "Agent PRC License Number:" with no license number.
Is there a way to do this? Maybe I could add a prefix to the license number field so that it would output the prefix in front of the license number when it is called within the content template?
Do you have any suggestions?
Many thanks