I'm working on a website for a client and have very little experience with GF. They are wanting to use the reports from Cart66 to display who has filled out a form, what the entries are, and who has paid. Everything is working fine, with the exception of all of the GF info being imported into a single cell in the report called "Form Data". Is there any way to parse that out into separate cells with specific data that I want pulled from the form? I don't need all the cells from the form to pull into the report. Here is the current code that is working for that section.
$orderColHeaders = implode(',', $orderHeaders);
$orderColSql = implode(',', array_keys($orderHeaders));
$out = $orderColHeaders . ",Form Data,Item Number,Description,Quantity,Total\n";
$sql = "SELECT $orderColSql from $orders where ordered_on >= %s AND ordered_on < %s order by ordered_on";
$sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $start, $end);
Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] SQL: $sql");
$selectedOrders = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
foreach($selectedOrders as $o) {
$itemRowPrefix = '"' . $o['id'] . '","' . $o['trans_id'] . '",' . str_repeat(',', count($o)-3);
$orderId = $o['id'];
$sql = "SELECT form_entry_ids, item_number, description, quantity, product_price FROM $items where order_id = $orderId";