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Pass email entry from one form to another.

  1. rob88888

    I'm confused about how to dynamically pre-populated fields. I want to pass an email submitted on one page to another.

    See the blank email field on How do I fill it from the entry on the /mailing-list page?


    Posted 14 years ago on Friday August 20, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Try this...

    Setup Mailing List Form To Redirect And Pass Data

    - Edit Mailing List form

    - Edit Form Settings

    - Choose Confirmation tab

    - Select "Redirect" for Confirmation Message

    - Type the full URL to the page you want to redirect to, in this case you would enter:

    - Click the "Pass Field Data Via Query String" checkbox

    - In the query string builder type "email=" and then select your email field from the "Insert form field" drop down. You should end up with something that looks something like this "email={Email:1}"

    - Save Your Settings

    This form should now redirect to the page with the reminder form and pass the value of the email address if you set it up properly. Please note that the email variable above will vary from form to form so you need to use the "Insert form field" drop down.

    Now you need to setup the other form to accept the incoming data.

    Setup Reminder Form To Accept Data

    - Edit The Reminder Form
    - Edit The Your Email Field
    - Select the Advanced Settings Tab
    - Check the "Allow field to be populated dynamically" checkbox
    - In the parameter field that appears enter "email"
    - Save the form

    The Reminder form should not be able to be populated dynamically if you pass to it when calling that page.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday August 23, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Jade


    I'm also having trouble pre-populating a field. Is it possible to pre-populate a drop-down field (specifically the post category field) with data from another form's drop-down field? The two forms are pretty much identical, and the two drop-down fields are identical, but I'm noticing that the information is not transferring from form1 to form2, and form2 is just being automatically populated with the default option (which I also can't figure out how to change). Every other field pre-populates perfectly.


    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday January 12, 2011 | Permalink
  4. You can populate default value of a field type that has multiple options (ie dropdowns, checkboxes, and multiple choice fields) using the gform_pre_render hook. Here's a quick function you can copy and paste into your functions.php file that will allow you to dyanmically populate the multiple option fields types from the query string using the default dynamic population parameter option on the field settings ( ).

    The code is heavily notated for anyone is curious as to how it works, but feel free to remove the comments.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 13, 2011 | Permalink

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