i've seen tips but it's not workin'
it's always give this url http://mysite.com/?phone=phone%3A'my desire value'
what if i just want to redirect with
http://mysite.com/?phone='my desire value'
i've seen tips but it's not workin'
it's always give this url http://mysite.com/?phone=phone%3A'my desire value'
what if i just want to redirect with
http://mysite.com/?phone='my desire value'
i just don't want that label name and ":"
i've try this {Field Name:1:value}
but it gives
?addr=field name%3A35
that last two number is what i need
the element is a "form select with many options"
i already checked this option " Allow field to be populated dynamically "
and Parameter Name set to : addr
how do i do ?
I'm not sure where the %3A is coming from. If you do this in the query string builder:
phone={My Field:1:value}
Then it should return:
So i'm not sure where the %3A is coming from. Are you sure it's not in the data? It shouldn't be there, and nobody else is reporting this issue so it sounds like something specific to your site. It could be a theme or plugin conflict or some sort of strange server setting.
I have a clean install and I'm getting the field name and the pipe...
I can confirm this issue is only on the "Price | Option" field. A multi-choice field doesn't have this problem.
@sirspacey What field type? Pricing Fields do not act the same as regular fields. They store additional information because by their nature they are more complex than Standard and Advanced Fields.
spelled out here: http://www.gravityhelp.com/forums/topic/pricing-field-not-passing-updated-value?replies=5#post-32436
btw, your posting settings are too strict, i had to wait between answering each of these posts. :)