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Pass Page 1 Data to Page 2

  1. Is there anyway to reference "Field Data" from page 1 on Page 2 of a multi page form? Example: If I require Name on page 1 can I display "name" on page 2?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday January 4, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Sorry for the delayed response. Yes, it is possible to reference data from page 1 on page 2. You may use the hook "gform_pre_render" and pull the information you need out of $_POST. The documentation is located at .

    Below is a sample I made. I have two pages. The first page has first name and last name. The second page has an html field that I populated with the first/last name from the first page.

    add_filter("gform_pre_render", "populate_welcome");
    function populate_welcome($form)
    	//only get data form form id 31
    	if ($form["id"] == 31)
    		//check what page you are on
    		$current_page = GFFormDisplay::get_current_page($form["id"]);
    		if ($current_page == 2)
    			//set the field on page 2 to the first/last name from page 1
    			//get the name
    			$first = rgpost("input_1_3"); //first name field when using the normal name format broken into two fields
    			$last = rgpost("input_1_6"); //last name field when using the normal name format broken into two fields
    			foreach($form["fields"] as &$field)
    				//html field (id 3) on second page which will display name from first page
    				if ($field["id"] == 3)
    					$field["content"] = "Welcome, " . $first . " " . $last;
    	//return altered form so changes are displayed
    	return $form;
    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 20, 2012 | Permalink

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