Hi, Frederic,
Below are basic steps on how you would setup a form to pass the data to a second form.
Form 1:
1. In the form settings, click on the Confirmation tab.
2. Select Redirect
3. Enter the URL to the second form
4. Check "Pass Field Data Via Query String"
5. Select the fields you are passing to the second form from the "Insert Merge Tag" drop down
6. Before each of the merge tag text that was just inserted, add whatever you want to call your parameter. If it were an email, name it something like "email". Your text should look something similar to email={Email:1}. The information inside the curly braces is whatever the merge tag inserted for your field.
Form 2:
1. Locate the field where you want the email from form 1 to be displayed.
2. Click the Advanced tab
3. Check the box for "Allow field to be populated dynamically". This causes a Parameter Name box to appear.
4. Enter the parameter name you used on the first form - "email" or whatever you chose to name it; the part before the equal sign in the merge tag. In the querystring it would be the part before the equal sign.
Querystrings are designed where you have a parameter name, an equal sign, and what the parameter's value is. The merge code inserted on form 1 will be replaced and should come to form 2 something like http://yoururl/?email=dana@rocketgenius.com .
Let me know if you have questions.
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 9, 2012 |