Before I forget to add it, here is a link to the site (http://www.xntrixart.com/). Click the first image. Rather than Buy Now, I would like to link to a Gravity form page.
What I would like to do is to add the price for the artwork as a custom field if possible and then when the user clicks on a link (or button), have that value pre-populate on the resulting form on a separate page (or modal form) that it links to. I have been all over the forum and cannot find a good example that I can modify for my use. Can someone please provide such an example? The closest thing to what I think might be the best solution are the hooks (http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Using_Dynamic_Population) but I need an example that will show me how to pull in that custom price field (return 'boom!'
doesn't help in my case). The theme provides an input field for the custom post type (projects) that is used for a description. I can add a link or button (to the Gravity Form page) after the description here but I cannot use shortcodes.
My other option, I guess is to skip the Gravity Forms completely and just use a "Buy Now" paypal button, but I want to be able to capture the name, email and delivery address via the Gravity form.
Any help is greatly appreciated! I am always open to other suggestions.
Thanks for your assistance and Happy New Year!