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Passing html in an input field from one page to the other

  1. nkatsefa

    I use Uploadify to upload images and then I have it write html to an input field which i then later decode to show up as a link to the image within the shopping cart and an email. Using the standard file uploader does not allow me to have an image preview before submitting, and also doesnt allow for multiple uploads, so thats why I went with using Uploadify to convert the GF file input. How can I pass html code within a hidden field using gravity forms and then have it not come out as just the html code on the next page? I am using this in woocommerce.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink
  2. nkatsefa

    Hey, to answer my own question you go into forms_model.php line 1356 you are allowed to "allow html" just add "text" to the spot where it allows it in checkboxes and radio fields. Additionally, this allows someone to integrate uploadify into gravity forms so that multiple uploads with a progress bar may be incorporated into GF. You guys should really look into working with uploadify to get this in your next release.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink