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Passing Shopp Fields to GF

  1. mack785

    We want to be able to offer customers the option of putting products in layway. One thought was a link could be included on the product page that would open up the layaway form with all the product info in it and the customer would pay a flat rate deposit and only have to fill in the usual contact info.

    FWIW - We do have a question into Shopp support to see if there is a way to do that with their plugin: customer can either purchase outright or choose to make a deposit. Ideally it would be a percentage of the purchase price but we can live with a flat rate for all products.

    Anyway -- lining up alternative ways to do this. :-)

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 15, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can pass information to a Gravity Forms and pre-populate fields by passing data via the query string. You could customize your Shopp Product pages so that they include a link to a page containing a Gravity Form that passes product information to the page via the query string. You could then configure fields on your form so they are populated dynamically from the query string values.

    Here is a tutorial that discusses how to dynamically populate fields, including via the query string:

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 15, 2011 | Permalink
  3. mack785

    Ok -- will look at this and see if it's something I can do! :-)

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 15, 2011 | Permalink
  4. mack785

    Trying to get this to work using the short codes method. If I understand correctly the Parameter Name would be what I choose to call that field. So for example in the Product Name I call that Paremeter "shopp-name". And to get the Product Name, Sku# and price passed to the order form .I've added this to the page with the form:

    [gravityform id=8 name=LayawayDeposit ajax=true

    and it doesn't work. I've tried a _number_ of different things to get it to work. I *think* it might have something to do with the shopp values. Not sure if those are correct ... or it could be something entirely different!

    The page that has the form has been published but set for private -- does that make a difference in it working?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 16, 2011 | Permalink
  5. You can only pass static values when using the shortcode method. You are passing shopp variables of some sort, which aren't being returned because the shortcode is not PHP. You would have to use the function call and the PHP method or a link and the query string method.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 16, 2011 | Permalink
  6. mack785

    I think the problem has to do with the page I'm trying to pass values from (Product Detail Page) isn't actually a form (that's the best way I can describe it). In the meantime I think I've come up with an in-elegant solution to this all within Shopp. If not -- I'll be back! :-)

    Thanks for the help.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 16, 2011 | Permalink