This is happening because something is preventing the PayPal IPN from communicating with your site. The payment status is updated when the IPN is processed by Gravity Forms.
Here are the first two things I would check:
1) Check your IPN History in PayPal and look at the history for some of the transactions and see if they were successful or if they failed. If they failed, see what the error was.
2) Check the PayPal Email you have configured in your PayPal Feed for that form. Make sure this is the PRIMARY email address associated with that PayPal account. If your PayPal account has multiple email addresses associated with it and the email you have configured differs from the email address PayPal passes back in the IPN request... the IPN request will fail validation and won't be processed by Gravity Forms.
Let me know how it goes.
Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 19, 2011 |