The PayPal Add-ON itself won't create posts or users, but it will integrate with the existing post creation capabilities so that posts are only created after a payment is received. If you are creating a post using a PayPal Subscription it can also change the post status or delete the post if the Subscription is canceled.
User Registration will come later as an Add-On that will integrate with the PayPal Add-On so that users can be created only after payment is received. The User Registration Add-On won't be ready when Gravity Forms 1.5 and the PayPal Add-On are released in beta due to the fact we are adding features to Gravity Forms 1.5 we weren't expecting to add (Multi-page form capabilities).
The PayPal Add-On itself functions like the MailChimp and Campaign Monitor Add-Ons where you tie it to a form, map the fields and choose settings. Some of the settings are things like only creating a post after payment is received, what to do with that post if payment was a Subscription and it was canceled, only send admin notification when payment is received, only send user notification when payment is received, etc. So yes, pay to post will be a reality.
We will be supporting one time payment/service payments, donations and subscriptions with the PayPal Add-On.
Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday October 26, 2010 |