@relish1227 The PayPal API doesn't support doing recurring Donations. If you want to do a recurring payment you have to do it as a Subscription, not a Donation transaction. I don't think there is any real difference in how PayPal handles these (Donation vs. Non-Donation) other than how they display them. So you'd have to use a Subscription for recurring.
But as you mentioned currently you can only do one type per form.
We are going to update the PayPal Add-On so that it supports multiple PayPal configurations for one form and then it will know which one to use based on the Conditional that you set on it. Only one of them is going to be able to actually run, because you can only pass the user off to PayPal once. But it would allow you to have 1 form where a user selects one time payment or recurring and then handle it based on that.
Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday March 16, 2011 |