If you sell the product as a subscription, then you can set up recurring billing. You can choose the frequency (annually) and the duration (forever.) However, that will happen annually on the anniversary of their first form submission, which is not what you want.
You might be able to do this with the trial period, but you would need 12 forms, one for each month. So, in February, the trial period would be 11 months, in March, 10 months, etc. The trial amount would always be $30, but the length of time would be different. However, that would not automatically bill them annually on January first. It would end up being a date in January, based on the date they subscribed initially. (For example, if they submitted the form March 10, their trial period would be 10 months for $30, and then their subscription would begin January 10 for $30 next year. (I might have the length of the trial period incorrect, but I don't think this method will work well anyway, so I didn't look into it too much.)
I don't know of a way to do this with Gravity Forms and PayPal.
Posted 11 years ago on Sunday March 10, 2013 |