I've been playing with both and they're working pretty cool but I have a couple of questions so I'll better understand how this can be applied to my needs:
1. where're the paypal transactions are stored? own table or as meta to a form/post submission?
2. can I somehow output all the transactions? can the transaction status can be seen as a column in the entries table ui?
3. say a registered user bought a product "gold package" (for example: gives him the ability to post 5 listings and mark 2 as "top" listing), how do I get the purchases (and their statuses) associated with this specific user? is there something like:
for example?
4. similar to 3, if a user bought a monthly subscription product, how do I access that info in relation to the user? how do I make sure it is still valid? is that shown somehow in the interface of the user profile?
5. on general: when using ipn on test-mode with paypal test-site, does it take a while to get the confirmation back?
I'll be happy to some code samples (or point me to which of the files contains those functions in the plugin).