Some questions/comments as I watched the video:
If the total is $0.00, the transaction will never go to PayPal.
Take a look at 1:28 in the video. When you submit from the form preview, there is a different URL being sent to PayPal, and PayPal does not know what to do with it, so they redirect to their home page.
Why is there no total on the form preview page? (I see you added the total field later. To be clear though, the total field is more visual for the user than it is for PayPal.)
Why does your product have no name in the entry view? (I see later that it's because you have hidden the product.)
If the product field is hidden, the price of that product will not be sent to PayPal. Can you try with the item not being hidden to see if this works?
What happens if you embed the form in a regular page (not a modal dialog) and submit from there?
The issue is with the configuration of your form. I would start by unhiding the product and see if this starts to work correctly for you.
Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 26, 2013 |