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Paypal Pro- Subscription Error: 11586 is displayed when submitting a credit card

  1. Hello,

    Every time I try and test recurring payment in live mode, (NOT in sandbox mode,) I get an error "There was an error processing your request. Your credit card was not charged. Please try again.".

    When I checked the source codes, the following error is displayed.
    <!-- Subscription Error: 11586 -->There was an error processing your request. Your credit card was not charged. Please try again.

    When I test recurring payment in sandbox mode with a test credit card number, the error is not displayed.
    Do I need to add extra settings for PayPal Pro account?
    Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    [Basic information]
    Gravity Forms v1.6.11
    WP 3.3.1 (Can't upgrade the version because the used custom theme supports up until ver. 3.3)
    PHP 5.2
    SSL: Configured correctly
    PayPal Account: PayPal Pro (Business account in the U.S.)
    Gravity Forms PayPal Add-On: Disabled
    Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On : Enabled

    [Other Information]
    When I test one-time payment in live mode, it is charged correctly.



    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 22, 2013 | Permalink
  2. The last time I saw this error, the client had to contact PayPal for resolution. Can you do that and see if the problem is something they can fix?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 22, 2013 | Permalink