If you have access to the PayPal Add-On you should have a Developer License so be sure to make use of Priority Support and you'd receive a much quicker response to your inquiry.
We try to respond to support forum inquiries within 48 hours, but that can slip depending on volume. This is outlined in our policy here:
We will be adding 2 full time members to the team in April who will be focusing on product support which will help with response times going forward.
To answer your question...
1) We don't pass a setting to PayPal for what language it's checkout page should use. PayPal determines this based on the PayPal account that is receiving the payment. In your case it is a French account so it's defaulting to the French checkout page.
There is not currently a setting in the PayPal Feed to select the language that is used on the checkout page. It would be possible to implement this as a customization using the gform_paypal_query hook documented here:
You'd have to customize what is sent to PayPal using this hook to set the language.
HOWEVER what I am going to do is discuss this with our lead developer tomorrow and see what we need to do to go ahead and add a PayPal Language setting to the PayPal Feed settings in the Add-On so that this can be set when configuring the feed.
If it is something that can be done relatively quickly I can see if we can go ahead and update the PayPal Add-On to support this and release an update next week.
2) I am not sure what you mean by PayPal is not currently working. Is the user being redirected to PayPal when submitting the form? What does the PayPal checkout page say? I would need more details. Once the user is redirected to PayPal they are out of our control and any issues related to PayPal refusing to accept a credit card, etc. are PayPal issues and not Gravity Forms issues.
Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 29, 2012 |