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PayPal return URL

  1. We've set up a form in 3 languages (with WPML) and 3 payment methods (Dutch iDeal, PayPal and manual payment).
    After submit the user will be redirected to a confirmation message (in case payment method is iDeal or manual) or to the PayPal website.
    The confirmation message says something like: thanks for your order, we will send you a message after you paid. (in the correct language)

    It goes wrong when the user chooses PayPal. After the PayPal payment the user is redirected to the confirmation page, which requests payment.
    Besides, the message is in the default language (Dutch), even when the order was started in the German or English form.

    So, question is: is there a way to redirect the user to a different (custom) page after the PayPal payment, in the correct language? Or at lease a page with a multilangual "thank you for your payment"?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday February 1, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Yes! My client would like users to return to a custom log-in page instead of the Registration page. Any ideas/hacks for this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink