We're using WordPress 3.5.1, PHP 5.3.xx, MySQL 5.1.x, GF 1.7.3, PayPal 1.5. We've tested on OS X 10.6.8, Safari 5.1.9, Chrome 26.0.1410.65, and FF 21. We do not have an SSL certificate.
We're using a very simple donation form containing an Email field and a pre-defined donation Amount.
- In Form Settings > Confirmations > Confirmation Type, we have selected 'Page' and specified an existing page on our website.
- In our Test PayPal Form Feed > Continue Button Label, we have entered "Continue to Test »".
- Upon successfully completing a donation through PayPal, we are presented with PayPal's confirmation page.
- On PayPal's confirmation page is the "Continue Button" containing the text we specified in our PayPal form: "Continue to Test »".
- Upon clicking this button, our browser warns us with the following message; "This is a non-secure form. This form will be sent in a way that is not secure. Are you sure you want to send it?" and presents two options: 1) Cancel and 2) Send.
We seem to recall the PayPal Add-On 1.6 change log stating that this issue was fixed, however, upon updating to both PayPal Add-On 1.6 and 1.7, we continue to receive the same warning.
Is there a work-around or fix for this issue?