I'm trying to create a job board where a visitor/registered user can post a job. I'm posting these jobs to a custom post type and I want to use three custom categories (Job Category, Job Type, Job Location).
I've worked through getting custom taxonomies to work with my form. I've combined a number of code snippets from other forum posts, and have it 90% working.
I'm having 2 problems. Screenshot: http://emberapp.com/ericrasch/images/gravity-forms-post-a-job-1
1) How do I re-write the custom taxonomy code to pull in the correct custom taxonomy (Job Type) and not repeat the existing taxonomy (Job Categories). [Line #20 in the code: http://www.pastie.org/1213316
2) If I change the field ID #7 to checkboxes, and then submit the form, the choices don't save to the post, but they do if they are radio buttons or dropdowns. [Line #41 in the code: http://www.pastie.org/1213316
I know the Advanced Post Creation add-on should take care of some or all of this, but I'm trying to get this done now. Let me know if I need to explain any part of this better.