I'm using a form to create a draft post and need to collect a web address that will be a clickable URL. I have tried using a custom field and then my template pulls the the URL in to create a link in the body of the post with this code:
<?php if((get_post_meta($post->ID, 'website_link', true))) { ?>
<p><a href="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'website_link', true); ?>">Click to view website »</a></p>
<?php } ?>
But I get too many invalid URLs because some people leave off the http://. So I want to try using an advanced website field to collect the URL entry, but I don't want it to show a text URL in the post. If they enter a URL, I want it to be appended to the bottom of the post as a clickable link similar the way I am doing it now, with the actual URL hidden and just showing a generic "Click Here" type of link.
How can I do this?