The Post Body field has to exist, otherwise no post body is created. You said only the Title was created, the post itself is blank... because you didn't include a Post Body field. Custom Fields aren't part of the Post Body, they are stored as Custom Field data with the Post.
If you want to display the value of other fields in your Post Body then you need to add a Post Body field to your form, and then configure the Content Template option on the Post body. The Content Template allows you to insert the value of other fields on your form into the Post Body.
So if you want multiple choice fields to populate your post body you need to configure your content template on the Post Body field and insert the merge tags for the fields you want the values of into the content template. WHATEVER is in the content template is what will be used to create the body/content of the post that is created.
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 16, 2011 |