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Post Tags

  1. shorn

    Hi there,

    Love the plugin, rarely pay out for software, but yours seems well worth it!
    Just a quick question.

    I am looking a form on my site that allows users to submit posts. Its pretty much there, however I would like to be able to provide the user with a list of check boxes that when selected will add a tag to that post.

    For example,
    I have within my form a section titled

    Item One [ ]
    Item Two [ ]

    Now I want the user to be able to check, for example, Item One, and I then get a tag added to the post called 'Item One'

    I looked at your documentation on the site, however my post tags box does not seem to contain as many options as yours?

    Any help greatly appreciated!

    (also what forum software do you use on this site?)

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday August 4, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Thanks! Post tags right now only take a comma separated list of tags similar to most tag entries in CMS systems.

    HOWEVER we are planning on adding the ability to use checkbox/radio button/dropdowns for the Post Tag field in the next release.

    We will be adding a "Field Type" selection in the field settings for the Post Tag. The next release is currently in development and is nearing Beta status.

    We have have some other cool features coming to the Post related fields in this release... stay tuned!

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday August 4, 2010 | Permalink
  3. shorn

    Thats great, should be just what I'm after. I know its probably hard to determine, but any idea on a timescale for the next release? Weeks or months? I'm looking at launching my site soon, so just want to know whether its worth waiting or to implement an interim solution.

    Thanks again!

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday August 5, 2010 | Permalink
  4. Weeks. It should be available to download as a Beta here on the support site within the next 2 weeks. Possibly as early as sometime next week. Keep an eye on the support blog.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday August 5, 2010 | Permalink