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pre-populate fields

  1. I have a theme which calculates the total cost and then asks for a deposit of 20%. Problem is it then expects to process this via PayPal. My client would rather not use PayPal. So I want to use Gravity Forms to collect the name fields, email field and deposit field (from the form they've just submitted) and then ask them to complete their credit card details. I want to then process this through wordpress-https plugin so that it is secure/encrypted and my client can then manually process the cc payment or not (if he wants more info from the customer for example). I thought Gravity Forms would do it for me, but now I'm totally lost. Am I heading down the wrong path?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 17, 2013 | Permalink
  2. You can collect all that information from your customer in the form. The request does not have to go to PayPal and will not, unless you are using one of the PayPal add-ons.

    Do you have this form online now? At what point did you get stuck? Why does their need to be two forms?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 17, 2013 | Permalink
  3. The theme already has a built in form which has 4 pages and ends with a submit button which sends an email and takes them to a new page. I want to put another form on that new page which picks up 4 fields from the previous field and pre-populates it with that info before then asking for the remainder of the information. I have all the codes from the other form which can be used in emails so I presume those same codes can be used to pull into a Gravity form. But how do I do that? The fields are listed as CUSTOMER_FNAME, CUSTOMER_LNAME, CUSTOMER_EMAIL, PAY_DEPOSIT.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday January 18, 2013 | Permalink
  4. takes them to a new page

    In the area you configure that URL, the one for the "new page" - that is where you will have to add the query string parameters to "send" the information along with the URL to the page where the Gravity Form resides.

    If your URL looked like you will change it to something like this:

    However, I don't know that those constant-looking names are actually how to get that information into the query string. That depends on your theme's form and how it captures the data and how you use it. If that is not correct, your Gravity Form will literally be populated with this strings, not the collected data:

    deposit: PAY_DEPOSIT

    That is not what you want. But that is something you will have to determine about your existing form (not Gravity Forms.)

    That is the first part: sending the collected data from the last page of the form to your new Gravity Form. The second part is to configure those four fields in your Gravity Form to "Allow field to be populated dynamically" which is a checkbox on the Advanced tab of the field. After you check the box, you will be shown an input for a "parameter name". In there is where you will enter the parameter names you configured in your line (the string BEFORE the equal sign.) So, fname, lname, email, deposit. You can use whatever you want, so long as there are no spaces in the parameter name and it's not a WordPress reserved word, and you make the parameter names the same in both the link and in the advanced tab of your form.

    I don't think it's going to work using CUSTOMER_FNAME exactly as I have shown, but without having a copy of your theme, I'm not sure exactly how to get that collected information from the form. There will be a way, I just don't know it is yet.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday January 25, 2013 | Permalink