I have a custom field which is used to contain URLs and in setting up a post form, I have designated the custom field for the URL and in the 'advanced' tab I pre-populated it with 'http://' - I then made this a required field.
But when testing the form to see how it plays when mandatory fields are not filled out, the error highlighting is not marking the website field as being a problem, obviously because by pre-populating it with content, i.e. http:// it has been filled out!
The easiest solution would be for me to drop the pre-population data, or use the website option in the advanced fields which has the http:// as default and is highlighted as an error if not filled in, but this isn't going to populate my custom field which is set up to contain a URL.
I feel this is a bug because if you have the option to pre-populate a field with data it should also flag up as an error if the user hasn't filled it in.