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Pre-populating from one field to another in the same form

  1. Pre-populating from one field to another in the same form

    I can't seem to find an answer.

    Is this possible?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hmm... it's not a built in feature. You can pre-populate fields from one form to another form, but i'm not sure if you can pre-populate a field with the value of a field on the same form. It may be possible with jQuery if you wrote some custom jQuery. What exactly are you trying to do? What is the use case as far as why you need to duplicate the data in multiple fields?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  3. I wanted a person to fill out a letter and add their name to the top of the letter, then they would see their name on the bottom of the page saying

    Sincerely, (name from top of form)


    I know that it is possible in jquery because I have written many for that passed billing data to shipping data in the same form.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  4. I was hoping for a suggestion. Would a (jquery) modal preview of the letter work?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  5. I understand what you are trying to do now. You should be able to accomplish this with jQuery. However, you would have to write the jQuery yourself as it's not something Gravity Forms does by default. But jQuery should be able to do this.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink