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Price field dynamically populated by WP custom field

  1. Aejandro

    Hello, please how can a GF price field be dynamically populated with a WP custom field?

    The WP custom field IS in the post where the form is embedded.

    Here you have a link to a post with a GF. The WP custom field is "Precio":

    Thank you very much.

    Thank you very much

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday June 21, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Alejandro, you can use the gform_pre_render filter to populate fields in your form. Here is the documentation for the filter:

    // change the 7 here to your actual form ID
    add_filter('gform_pre_render_7', 'populate_price');
    function populate_price($form) {
    	// documentation:
    	// get the price from the custom field for this post
    	$price = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'Precio', true);
    	// set the value of your product price to the value which was retrieved
    	if ($field['id'] == 1) {
    		$field['price'] = $price;
    	// always return the modified form
    	return $form;

    That code will go in your theme's functions.php file and will need to be customized for the form ID (I used 7) and the field ID (I used 1). I used "Precio" for the meta key. That will need to match exactly as well.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday June 25, 2013 | Permalink

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