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Price Quote (Different prices depending on amount of units required)

  1. andrew carbn

    I have been reading this functionality is on the roadmap, but I wanted to know how to even acheive the following:

    If you have a look here:

    The price quote funtion is great but I really need to have price breaks at say 1-5 badges = £3.80 | 6-20 badges = £3.10 | 21-50 badges = £2.00 etc.

    You get the idea... I wanted this to calculate behind the scenes so users entered the Quantity and the calculation altered the cost per badge but the user did not know or have to define their own price category first.

    I know it's a big concept for such a small result showing on the front end to the user, but it's important to keep the site clean and user-friendly.

    Any help on where to start with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 9, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This is the most comprehensive write up I know of for altering the price.

    It's related to adding tax, which is not what you are doing, but this example shows how to modify both the front end and back end prices. The modifications to the prices would be different (you are giving quantity discounts) but the process is the same.

    Gravity Forms was never intended to replace an e-commerce or shopping cart solution, so it might require quite a bit of work to realize what you're trying to do.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 9, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Thanks for this information. I am finding that I can use gform_product_info to change what the total displays. All I need to do is give a 20% discount off of the total. The question that I have is, where do I find the code to edit? Where exactly is gform_product_info?

    Thank you!
    Ryan Searle

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday January 12, 2012 | Permalink