I've come across a few issues with the Quantity pricing field and the enhanced UI.
I've built a form using just pricing fields and some conditional logic. i.e Drop-down 2 only displays if a particular value in drop-down 1 is selected. The order of my fields is as follows...
Drop-down 1: select product
Drop-down 2: select hire duration
Drop-down 3: quantity
Text-field: total
Issue 1:
If I set all fields to use "enable enhanced user interface" the total field does NOT update. I found that it was the "quantity drop-down" that was the problem, once I turned the "enhanced user interface" off the Total started to work. But now my form looks inconsistent as the other drop-downs look much much better with the enhanced UI.
Issue 2:
Also noticed that if I change the Quantity drop-down into a "Number" type field, when I type in a number (i.e 2) there is nothing to force the Total field to update. Its like there is no change or loss of focus detected on this number field to force the Total field to update.
Issue 3:
When the form fields are using enhanced UI - when you trip the validation it re-sets all the drop-downs back to non enhanced UI when it displays submission errors to the user.
Issue 4:
Not sure if you are supporting IE7?
If so, if you have "enhanced UI" drop-downs one after the other. When you go back to select an option from the first one - the drop-down options disappear under the lower drop-down rather than over the drop-down like the other browsers tested.
I'm using WP 3.2.1 and GF 1.6.1 on Mac OS X Lion using Chrome. Also testing in IE 7,8,9 on Vista
p.s my shortcode uses "ajax='true'"
p.s.s sorry its on my localhost machine at the moment
Many thanks