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Print preview

  1. I'd like our prospects to be able to have a print preview of the uncompleted form so they can print this off and complete by hand if they wish. Can this be done?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 28, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Printer friendly functionality is more a feature of your theme and it's stylesheet than Gravity Forms itself. Forms are embedded on pages and posts within your site and those pages and posts are styled and controlled by your theme.

    If you implement a print friendly stylesheet for your theme, or utilize available 3rd party solutions that are supposed to make this easier, you could certainly allow the user to print the form in a printer friendly format.

    Here is a tutorial that discusses printer friendly CSS:

    To create a printer friendly stylesheet you basically create a CSS that styles elements the way you want them to look when printed AND also hide elements you do not want to appear when the page is printed. You then load that stylesheet like any other stylesheet only you set the media attribute in the stylesheet call to print. The tutorial above explains how to do this using CSS.

    There is also a service called PrintFriendly that supposedly automates this for you. I've never used it but they do have a WordPress plugin available which you can find here:

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 28, 2011 | Permalink