I am trying to set up two forms, one for the site user to enter their learning goals and one for site visitors to submit suggested learning resources.
I would like to set this up so that one of the custom fields on the suggest learning resources forms, "related learning goal", gives the visitor the option to select from a drop down list, listing the site owner's learning goals. This "related learning goal" field (single text line) would be a a custom field name, using an existing field from the learning goals form.
The problem is that under the custom field's Properties, Custom Field Name, Existing (select an existing custom field), the drop down choices don't show all the custom fields I had previously created. It only shows 12 alphabetically and not the "related learning goal" one I wanted to select.
Is this a bug or is there a way to see more of the custom fields so I can pick the right existing custom field that I want. I tried changing the name of the field I wanted so it began with "aa" thinking that would make is display as one of the first of the 12 that displayed but that didn't change it.