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Problem with importing item name to Freshbooks and item list from Freshbooks

  1. Hi, I've been able to import contact info into Freshbooks. Description, Price, and Quantity also works well. However, Item information is not importing properly - instead of a typical Freshbooks Item, I am getting an item number that has no relation to the information we've input into Freshbooks.

    The other problem is that not all of our items are being seen within the Freshbooks Feed - so we can't map everything from Freshbooks to the appropriate form field because the Freshbooks items aren't showing.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink
  2. One other thing I forgot to inlcude - mapped items are being added to Estimates even if they have a "0" quantity entered when the form is submitted. Shouldn't items only be added to Freshbooks if they actually have a quanitity? Thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink
  3. The bad news is the FreshBooks Add-On does not currently support the Pricing Fields in Gravity Forms. The FreshBooks Add-On was introduced BEFORE the Pricing Fields were added to Gravity Forms.

    You can only use Standard or Advanced Fields when integrating with the FreshBooks Add-On as far as configuring line items, etc.

    The good news is this is on tap to be one of the first things we work on in the new year. We will be enhancing the FreshBooks Add-On to support both the Pricing Fields as well as other new features that weren't possible with the FreshBooks API when the FreshBooks Add-On was introduced.

    We will be updating it so that instead of configuring each line item you can opt to use the Pricing Fields and it will automatically add the line items based on the Pricing Fields selected by the user. This is how the Pricing Fields work when integrated with a payment processor.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Ian Sterne

    That's great Carl, will there be any way to tell FreshBooks to bill this in installments? Example "4 easy payments of...".

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday January 25, 2012 | Permalink