Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Is it possible to create a new recurring profile? 23 Chris Hajer 11 years
Adding more info to description field 2 elleeyedesign 11 years
Invoice for Setup and Recurring Fee, but only add fee to recurring billing? 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
Add-on creating a client but not an invoice/estimate in Freshbooks 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
Call to undefined function curl_init() in .../api/HttpClient.php on line 75 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Sending Invoices 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
Duplication of accounts 5 Chris Hajer 11 years
Address modification 2 Chris Hajer 11 years
Freshbooks Notes 4 Chris Hajer 11 years
Getting error when activating plugin 2 David Peralty 12 years
Setting snail mail/email invoicing preference 6 Alex Cancado 12 years
Freshbooks Projects 2 Chris Hajer 12 years
Missing PayPal "button" in pricing field. 8 David Peralty 12 years
Auto-Sending Invoice 2 Carl Hancock 12 years
Activating Freshbooks Add-On plugin creates conflict 2 Carl Hancock 12 years
Line Item not referencing Item in FreshBooks 5 level365 12 years
Get FreshBooks Invoice ID 2 45north 12 years
Line Items not carrying to Freshbooks 10 45north 12 years
Problem with importing item name to Freshbooks and item list from Freshbooks 4 Ian Sterne 12 years
Freshbooks Add-on - mapping the description field 8 Gaslight 12 years
Freshbooks add-on CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION warning 7 Chris Hajer 12 years
Freshbooks Support Ticket Integration 2 Carl Hancock 12 years
Item description to Freshbooks 7 Carl Hancock 13 years
"FreshBooks" Mapping fields and pulling cost from check box selection. 1 scott74 13 years
Freshbooks Integration + Review 17 keycreative 14 years
Awesome add-on. What about the tax? 6 Kevin Flahaut 14 years