I am receiving the following...
"There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below."
I can't see or identify any errors. No red codes on the form. I can force obvious errors e.g. by not putting in a number or required field. I can make those corrects although on submit I still get the same text.
This is not true for the whole form which is driven off of radio buttons. Eg one of the three results in a submission. The other two provide the error above. I have deleted fields and added fields etc. To no avail.
This is happening in the preview mode as well as on the website. So it is not CSS setting etc. and I have tried all of them in settings. I have also exported the form and reimported etc.
This isn't the first time I've had this sort of issue. I've cured it before by starting from scratch and creating a new form. I'm presuming it is corrupt in some way.
What's the solution? I'm running Gravity Forms 1.6.3 Wordpress 3.3.1 valid license etc.
Happy to send log-in details etc.