I try to create a Accommodation directory and having some problems.
I want that all the fields in the form will be published in entry/post, and not just the "post-Fields." I need the contents of almost all standard fields and advanced fields in entries / posts.
Then I want in each entry a free image, and a surcharge of three additional images. When I upload images and then editing the post, in the Mediathek is not identify which image which users and which entry should be assigned. I am also not clear in what order should images in the post displayed and where exactly. Gallery on the top of the entry with thumbs possible?
The result should look like this:
An Accommodation owner writes all his data ( Name, address, Country, Region, Province, contact details, description, geo data, checkboxes with Accommodation configuration, etc.) for his accommodation in the form. All of these fields should be published, with the exception of the fields in which I do not want this. Then he decides whether he wants a free entry or taking an extra charge special features (one or four pictures). After transmission (and maybe payment), the entry will be checked briefly by me and released with little effort.
The result should look like this: http://suedafrikaperfekt.de/de/provinzen/western-cape?sobi2Task=sobi2Details&sobi2Id=499
that's the only way to generate several thousand entries, without too much time to invest in editing every entry/post.
Is this possible with Gravity Forms, and if yes, how can I do that?
Apresador / Westendweb