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Product field pre-population bug in

  1. LumpySimon


    I have one product field in my form (it's a hidden field), I am prepopulating the price via a hook:

    add_filter( 'gform_field_value_fee', 'prepopulate_fee' );
    function prepopulate_fee( $value ) {
        // ...stuff here...
        return $fee;

    This has always worked fine until I upgraded to the latest version of GF, when suddenly my form was no longer sending the user to PayPal, instead it was just going straight to the confirmation message.

    After some trial & error, it turns out that I now have to also pre-populate the quantity field, not just the price field. Previously GF defaulted to a value of one, whereas now it seems to default to zero.

    Is this expected behaviour or a bug?

    Many thanks

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday May 18, 2012 | Permalink