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Product Option checkboxes

  1. I have a Product Option field set up as checkboxes that are checked by default. If I go to the form's page directly, everything is fine. The checkboxes are checked.

    However, if I have another (non-Gravity Forms) form on a different page (action = the form's page, method="post"), the checkboxes on the Product Option field will no longer appear as checked.

    It doesn't seem to matter what is included in the $_POST variables. The checkboxes are simply no longer checked by default. This is the case, even if I use gform_pre_render to make sure ['isSelected'] = 1.

    Any ideas for a workaround?

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday December 7, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Looking further into this, it appears GF really doesn't like it when I try to mix $_POST variables with gform_pre_render. Even if I find a workaround, submitting an incomplete post, or advancing pages means $_POST is completely reset. So I will need to use something other than $_POST. $_GET won't work because that could too easily be manipulated.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday December 7, 2012 | Permalink