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Product options and Sending to Paypal

  1. paulleeson

    Hi guys,

    I have a booking form set up which has a price for 1 x person and then an option block to add additional delegates.

    I then have a single text box (Delegates Name) for each selection which are conditional so if 3 additional delegates were picked from the drop down option 3 x delegate name boxes would appear for the visitor to fill in.

    My question is, if there a way to pass the delegate name boxes to paypal so they list on the paypal invoice.

    Many thanks,


    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday November 22, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This can't be done using the available UI and built in settings. PayPal is limited in what we pass to it. It only wants the product information, they don't support additional custom fields for additional data. So there isn't a way to pass this non-product field information to PayPal.

    The only way to do this would be to use custom code and append these names to the Product or Option name. NOW the problem with this is going to be PayPal has a character limit on the Product name and the Option names. So it's not very flexible.

    PayPal only handles the transaction and payment. If you need additional information, include it on the form and then get it from the entry details for that submission.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday November 22, 2011 | Permalink
  3. paulleeson

    Cheers Carl.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday November 22, 2011 | Permalink

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