Simple coupon work around.
Thanks brianmayer
Step 1:
Create a "Single Line Text" field.
name it Enter Coupon Code (or whatever field name you want)
Step 2:
Create A "Product" field under the pricing tab.
Name it "Product without coupon" (for illustration purposes)
Set the price to $100
Disable Quantity Field
Enable Conditional Logic
Setup for "Hide" this field if "All" of the following match
Select "Enter Coupon Code" from the drop down menu and select "is".
then enter testcoupon in the text field.
Step 3:
Create another "Product" field under the pricing tab.
Name it "Product with coupon" (for illustration purposes)
Set the price to $90 or a negative amount
(This is the discounted price or 10% off or $10 off or whatever you are promoting)
Disable Quantity Field
Enable Conditional Logic
Setup "Show" this field if "All" of the following match
Select "Enter Coupon Code" from the drop down menu and select "is".
then enter testcoupon (for illustrations purposes) in the text field.
Thats it : ) Entering the coupon will change the price with an animation. This has nothing to do with paypal, only the final product showing will be taken to checkout.
The long awaited simple coupon workaround : )
More can be done with this, just think...
Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday March 7, 2012 |