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Publishing an approved entry

  1. I would like to accept entries, and them publish these posts on a page.
    The form takes an uploaded file (a picture), the details of the poster, and a description of the picture.

    What I've figured out so far:

    So far, I've got a form accepting entries. The form is embedded in a page. I'm receiving the entries as drafts. I can mark them as published.

    So, my next step:
    I'd like to figure out how to publish a page that will grab the post content and the submitted picture from each entry.

    How I think I can do it:
    It looks like the entries are all posts. They are all posts that have the same category. So, all I have to do is create a custom loop that will grab posts of that category, then extract the text from the post, and the image submitted by the poster.

    ok .... am I on the right track so far?
    If I have, then my question boils down to this: "how to grab the picture submitted with the form, while I'm in the loop".

    What I've tried:

    I spent quiet a bit of time trying to figure out how to get my ideal result using Zach's directory and add ons plugin. I wasn't able to get the outcome I wanted( Looks like a great plugin, though).


    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday October 22, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Sounds like you're almost there. You have the posts being created, and you want to include all those posts in a page? I did something similar to that using the "Category Shortcode" plugin.

    I think that will work for you too.

    Here's the form I set up:
    Password is gravity ( I forget why I password protected that )

    When you post the story, it will be in the category categories:

    But you want to show all posts, in one page, which is what I did here:

    The content of that page has only the shortcode from the Category Shortcode plugin:

    [Category number='-1' id='5' method='full' order='asc' orderby='title']

    Let us know if you need more help.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday October 22, 2011 | Permalink
  3. You can skip all this, and just implement the above as your "next step".

    How I think I can do it:
    It looks like the entries are all posts. They are all posts that have the same category. So, all I have to do is create a custom loop that will grab posts of that category, then extract the text from the post, and the image submitted by the poster.

    ok .... am I on the right track so far?
    If I have, then my question boils down to this: "how to grab the picture submitted with the form, while I'm in the loop".

    What I've tried:

    I spent quiet a bit of time trying to figure out how to get my ideal result using Zach's directory and add ons plugin. I wasn't able to get the outcome I wanted( Looks like a great plugin, though).

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday October 22, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Thanks for the reply.

    So, I've now experimented with the Category Shortcode plugin. Thats great. knowing about it could have saved me some work on a seperate theming puzzle :)

    It could definately help me access the posts without having to compose my own custom loop.
    (Mind you, I'm starting to get used to building loops)

    The more immediate problem I have, is how to get to the images that have have been submitted via the form, and then approved for publication, while I am in the loop (or while using the category shortcode plugin).

    Any idea how I can do this?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday October 24, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Doesn't the plugin handle the full content of the post, including the images?

    If not, your question might be better answered in a general WordPress support forum, like or as it's not related to Gravity Forms. We captured the data for you, now it's up to you to display it.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday October 24, 2011 | Permalink

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