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Quantity from Price field

  1. impakt

    I'm using Gravity Forms with Cart66.
    In my form, I've added a Price field, within which I've disabled the Quantity field.

    See my Product page:
    Click 'Add To Cart'; then, on Shopping Cart page, click 'Show Details'

    The first detail entry still contains "Qty:". Is there anyway to prevent this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday October 29, 2011 | Permalink
  2. It looks like the "Show Details" functionality is provided by Cart66. You would have to contact them about not displaying that information.

    There does not seem to be any easy way to hide those table rows with CSS either, as they all have the same class. I would contact Cart66 support and see what they have to say. Maybe there's a way to define what entry details are displayed when you click "Show Details".

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday October 29, 2011 | Permalink

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