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Querystring URL problem (Text Confirmation vs Email Notification)

  1. mobilus

    I'm getting different results from the same querystring code. The code works fine on the text confirmation page (Form Settings > Confirmation) - (where it displays a URL with querystring that feeds a page to create an invoice - using the submitted form data).

    HOWEVER, the same code when placed in the email notification to the user (Notifications > Email Notification to User) - ... it only generates a portion of the querystring properly. Basically, it inserts (percent 26, %26) instead of the (ampersand, &) that is needed for the querystring.

    The generated code (found in sent email) where the ampersands are replaced.... University&regdate=18/10/2011&street=537 McKim Street&city=Sudbury&prov=Ontario&postal=P3C 2L4&country=Canada&prod=ASK License: Non-Funded Academic Research/Clinic Practice Evaluation&price=$ 115.00 CAD&version=Performance

    Here is the actual code from the notifications settings box (used to generate the above URL)...
    View <a href="{ASK Registration ID:69}&prefx={Salutation:66}&fname={This agreement is between Nancy Young at Laurentian University and ("User") (First):55.3}&lname={This agreement is between Nancy Young at Laurentian University and ("User") (Last):55.6}&inst={Institution:59}&regdate={Today's Date:60}&street={Work Address (Street Address):5.1}&city={Work Address (City):5.3}&prov={Work Address (State / Province):5.4}&postal={Work Address (Zip / Postal Code):5.5}&country={Work Address (Country):5.6}&prod={ASK License: Non-Funded Academic Research/Clinic Practice Evaluation (Name):75.1}&price={ASK License: Non-Funded Academic Research/Clinic Practice Evaluation (Price):75.2}&version={Version of the ASK required:79}" target="_blank">Your Invoice >></a>

    The above code is the EXACT same that is used to generate the message in the confirmation box on the "Thank Your for your submission" page - and in that case the & (ampersands) are not replaced - and the URL when clicked - populates the Invoice page properly.

    If you want, you can try it out yourself (use your email address in the form) - Get the email (that has the URL problem) and see the "Thank You" page - (where the same "Invoice link" works.

    I hope someone has some insight.


    P.S. I'm using Gmail as my email client - if for some reason, GMAIL might be doing the "replacement". However I don't think so, because I have another form that WORKS fine for both the email and the "thank you page" URLs. I've compared the two - ad nauseum, and don't see a difference!

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 19, 2011 | Permalink
  2. mobilus

    Please help?

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday October 25, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Mobilus,

    Is that link not supposed to generate an invoice? Even with the %26's instead of ampersands it appears to be loading the invoice for me?

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday October 25, 2011 | Permalink
  4. mobilus

    If you take a closer look (see my screen shots below) you'll see the problem areas of the invoice.

    Here is a screenshot of what I see (from the URL with the %26's)
    I also noticed that some of the "=" are replaced by %3D

    And this is the same page (fed from the URL with the proper ampersands and equal signs)

    So basically, the problem is ... "&" are being replaced by "%26" and "=" by "%3D".

    To summarize, the querystring is generated properly in the "Confirmation" area but NOT in the "Email Notification" email.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 26, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Hi Mobilus,

    Could you export this form and send me the XML at

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday October 27, 2011 | Permalink

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