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Question about 2-part form

  1. Thanks for reading...a bit out of my league on this one, so I'm not even sure if this is possible. If you take a look at the form here:

    What'd I'd like to do is re-direct to a page where, if the person chooses, they can give us more info. They don't have to, but they could...location, age, sex, etc. However, if they decide NOT to, I still want to have them in the database. What would be the best way to approach that?

    TIA, and apologies if I'm asking something odd or ridiculously obvious.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  2. There are a number of ways you could to this. The simplest is going to be to create your 2nd form, and embed it on a WordPress page. Explain on that page that the information is optional, etc.

    Then on Form 1 that captures the email you would edit the Form Settings (edit the form, hover over the form title/description and choose edit) and go to the Confirmation tab and set the form to redirect to the page containing Form 2 when it is submitted.

    Now when Form 1 is submitted you capture their information and then redirect them to Form 2. If they don't want to fill out Form 2 you have already captured their information from Form 1.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Thanks Carl. I already have it set up to redirect to another "thank you" page so that part I can definitely get working. Where I'm confused is how to make sure it all "stays together" so to speak. I'm using the MailChimp addon, and have that all working. I guess in an ideal world, here's what would happen:
    1. Their email is captured on page 1
    2. On page two, their email is prefilled in, and if they want to enter more they can.
    3. Whether they do or not, everything is still sent to MailChimp when they leave the page, or press submit.

    I don't want to "undo" the submission process of page 1 by just passing the info, and then not having it actually submitted.

    So it seems like I'd need some sort of way to "hold" on submitting the info to MailChimp until they finish up at the second page, correct?

    My other option is just to redirect them to a MailChimp email preferences pane in the welcome email where they can give more info if they like, but I feel less people would do that.

    Thanks for the help!

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  4. There is no way to make it all stay together as far as the data being combined. Form 1 is going to store it's data as Form 1 and Form 2 is going to store it's data as Form 2. They don't share data across forms other than passing data to another form and storing it both places.

    However, you can pass the email from Form 1 to Form 2 and pre-populate it dynamically so it gets stored with Form 2.

    How you setup MailChimp is up to you, if you want Form 1 to send the email to MailChimp you can set it up that way. If you have additional information from Form 2 that needs to be sent to MailChimp then you would have to do the MailChimp integration on Form 2 and not Form 1.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  5. Thanks Carl. That's what I was afraid would be really great if there was some way to "send" that email from form two, whether or not they press "submit" again (since they've already submitted it on the previous page.) I'm guessing you'd need some sort of php to check whether or not they leave the page without pressing "submit" again? Then on closing/leaving the page automatically send the original email to MailChimp?

    Does that sound crazy? :-)


    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  6. Unfortunately there is no way to send the email to MailChimp accept as part of a form action. So if they don't submit the form, no action occurs and it cannot be sent to MailChimp.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  7. Hi Carl, I am new to Gravity and I am doing the same thing here.

    You said: "However, you can pass the email from Form 1 to Form 2 and pre-populate it dynamically so it gets stored with Form 2."

    How would I go about doing this?


    Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 17, 2010 | Permalink
  8. @greedstreet See this post, it describes how to pass data from one form to another:

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 17, 2010 | Permalink
  9. Thanks Carl! I'm checking it out now.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 17, 2010 | Permalink