Thanks Carl. I already have it set up to redirect to another "thank you" page so that part I can definitely get working. Where I'm confused is how to make sure it all "stays together" so to speak. I'm using the MailChimp addon, and have that all working. I guess in an ideal world, here's what would happen:
1. Their email is captured on page 1
2. On page two, their email is prefilled in, and if they want to enter more they can.
3. Whether they do or not, everything is still sent to MailChimp when they leave the page, or press submit.
I don't want to "undo" the submission process of page 1 by just passing the info, and then not having it actually submitted.
So it seems like I'd need some sort of way to "hold" on submitting the info to MailChimp until they finish up at the second page, correct?
My other option is just to redirect them to a MailChimp email preferences pane in the welcome email where they can give more info if they like, but I feel less people would do that.
Thanks for the help!
Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 |