I know that the rules concerning a developer license means I am unable to include it when selling a theme, however, would it be ok to do this if I add $39 to the cost of the theme and then pay that to you for a license in their name?
I know that the rules concerning a developer license means I am unable to include it when selling a theme, however, would it be ok to do this if I add $39 to the cost of the theme and then pay that to you for a license in their name?
Bundling the plugin with a theme could cause user confusion. We are friends with most of the major theme developers (WooThemes, StudioPress, Press75, iThemes, Headway, Thesis) and prefer not to work too closely with any one theme developer as we are friends with all of them. We would be glad to work with you on including GF specific styles in your theme, but we aren't open to bundling Gravity Forms with any one theme provider at this time. Possibly down the road...
No problem, worth checking on.
I am guessing the best solution for now would be to create the form and export it and allow it to be imported if they use/buy GF.
That would be possible. Include the form export file with your theme. We are working on functionality in 1.4 that will allow a theme developer to include some code in their function.php file that, if Gravity Forms exists, will automatically create a form based on an XML export file that the theme developer has included.