Hi Alex
I think, but am not quite sure, that this thread is getting pretty close to a GF-related need I have. Would really appreciate any comments you might have please. Let me explain.
I'm using GF in conjunction with the Single Post Template plugin. Through the custom field trick you showed me, I'm using a specific post template for each form, and each form contains a significant number of post custom fields. I'm using this set-up in such a way that the outputted post is crafted entirely from the custom field inputs. There is no "post body" in the normal sense. The body is completely blank. How this works is that if, for example, someone selects "Yes" into a custom field question in the form, php code in the single post template file will output "this paragraph of text". Alternatively, if that person selects "No", then the php code will output an alternative paragraph of text. And so on, repeated many times for many different custom fields. All the paragraph text sits in the single post template file and is called, as appropriate, by conditional calls to the custom field data.
The "issue" this creates is that when I try to use plugins like "WP-Print" or "Save as Text and HTML", my post content cannot be seen, because those plugins are looking for the "post body" (which in my case is blank). The same applies to the posts when they are listed on the home page and the RSS/Atom feeds, again because the content is not in the body but created on the fly by the 'custom field call code' in the single post template.
So what I'm wondering is whether it's possible to add a function to the functions.php file, for example, to enable the content residing in the single post template to be treated as if it were body text, so that it displays when using the plugins I've mentioned and so that it displays on the homepage and in the feeds.
I hope this makes sense. If you've time, I'd really appreciate your assistance with this.
Many thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.
Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday November 25, 2009 |