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Questions re PayPal Add-On

  1. RichardBest

    Hi there GF team. First up, I just wanted to say fantastic work on the PayPal Add-On. I'm testing it right now and so far so good. No post submission until payment received. Awesome.

    I do have a couple of questions though please:

    (1) How can one select a currency for payment other than USD?
    (2) Technically, how is it that the PayPal integration is so simple, i.e., there being no need to disclose one's PayPal logon details at the WP end? I love how easy it is but just wondering how that's possible technically.

    Thanks again

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink
  2. 1) Currency for the pricing fields is selected by going to the Settings page and selecting your currency from the available supported currencies.

    2) The PayPal API doesn't need anything but your payment email address to send money. I can send you money just by knowing your email address. That is part of the simplicity of PayPal.

    Please note there is a bug in the Beta 1 release of Gravity Forms involving non-U.S. currencies not functioning properly. Email and request the latest development build that fixes the currency issue and he will send it to you. The fix will also be included in Beta 2 which will be released next week.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink